Portable generator connections utilizing a UL listed Interlock system OR a permanent home standby generator are options:
We ensure all work is code compliant for generator power on your home.
Portable over Permanent is a serious decision that can’t be taken lightly. Let us help you decide.
Call us to determine if you are a good candidate for portable standby or permanent standby. We offer solutions for both.
To make this decision you must ask yourself if you are physically able to store a generator, move the generator outside after the storm, start the generator, refill it with gasoline, select breakers to turn on or off, store gasoline safely and properly maintain the portable generator so that it’s available after a storm.
We always recommend a minimum of a 10kw but it all depends on what electrical loads you want to operate during a storm.
A 24kw Generac system with 200A transfer switch on a home with an existing outside main breaker runs around $15k.
Additional costs can be a fuel source, propane or natural gas. Permitting is additional. Load shed relays cost additional if the generator is not large enough to run everything in the home.
It depends on the electrical loads and the size of your propane tank, if you filled it before the outage or if your cities natural gas line remains in service after the power outage. We can help calculate this for you.
No we are not licensed to install propane or plumb the lines to the generator. We sub contract to a known reliable provider in Central Florida.
Buy a generator that any local small engine repair shop can work on. Do not buy a name brand that nobody has ever heard of before. Gasoline engines need servicing like carburetor cleaning, for example. Get one that can be serviced locally.
If a portable generator is used properly then it is safe. We insist home owners follow the operation manual from their portable generator. Knowing not to operate the generator inside the garage or home is the most important lesson but there are many other things that a home owner must be competent to do in order to maintain proper safety. Portable is a solution that is NOT for everyone.
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